Infrastructure And Learning Resources
4.1 Physical Facilities
4.1.1.aPhotographs LINK
4.1.2.bLink for geotagged photographs. LINK
4.1.2.cLink for any other relevent information. Photos Click Here
4.1.3.aLink for photographs/Geotagging of Campus facilities. LINK
4.1.3.bLink for any other relevant information Click Here for additional information Expenditure incurred, excluding salary, for infrastructure development and augmentation year-wise during the last five years (INR in lakhs) Click Here utilization statements (highlight relevant items) Click Here
4.2 Clinical, Equipment and Laboratory Learning Resources.
4.2.1.aLink for the list of facilities available for patient care, teaching-learning and research. Click Here
4.2.1.bLink for the facilities as per the stipulations of the respective Regulatory Bodies with Geotagging. Click Here
4.2.1.cLink for any other relevant information. Hospital Reg LINK
4.2.2.aLink to hospital records / Hospital Management Information System. Click Here
4.2.2.bLink for additional information (MJPJAY Details) Click Here
4.2.3.aLink for additional information visit photos Click Here
4.2.3.aLink for additional information visit photos Click Here
4.2.3 bUG PG Att & time Table Click Here
4.2.3.cActivities Reports and Attendance Click Here
4.2.3.cActivities Reports and Attendance Click Here
4.2.4 a Details of Rural and Urban Health Centers Involeved in Teaching Learning Activities and Students Participation in Such activities Click Here
4.3 Library as a Learning Resource
4.3.1Libray Report LINK
4.3.2.a Link for geotagged photographs of library ambience. Click Here
4.3.2.b Link for data on acquisition of books / journals / Manuscripts / ancient books etc., in the library LINK
4.3.2.cLink for any other relevant information. Click Here
4.3.4.aLink for additional information. (Certificate) Click Here
4.3.4.aLink for additional information. (Books Bills) Click Here
4.3.4 bAudit Statement 18-23 Highlight Click Here
4.3.5.Link for details of library usage by teachers and students. Click Here
4.3.5 cLink for any other relevant information. LINK
4.3.6.aLink for additional information. Click Here
4.3.6.bGive links e_content repository used by the teachers. Click Here
4.4.1.aLink for additional information. LINK
4.4.2Link for any other relevant information LINK
4.5 Maintanance of Campus Infrastructure
4.5.1 aProvide extract of expenditure incurred on Maintenance of Pysical facilities and academic support facilities duly certified by Chartered Accountant and the Head of the institution Click Here
4.5.1.bLink for any additional information. Click Here
4.5.2SOP and Circular LINK